Did you know you DNA analyses put to rest the rumours of Kaspar Hauser’s royal parentage?
The mysterious case of an attention-seeking pathological liar
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Did you know DNA is unique to family lines?
The mysterious case of an attention-seeking pathological liar
Identifying the remains of this ruthless criminal
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Rediscovering the remains of Jörg Jenatsch
The steps taken to identify an unclaimed child who perished with the Titanic
The skull of this great poet has been swapped with that of an unknown female
The skull taken from this great poet’s tomb actually belongs to a female
The mistaken relics of Saint Bridget and Saint Catherine of Sweden
The mysterious case of an attention-seeking pathological liar
Identifying the remains of this ruthless criminal
See if you are related to ancient royalty
Rediscovering the remains of Jörg Jenatsch
The steps taken to identify an unclaimed child who perished with the Titanic
The skull of this great poet has been swapped with that of an unknown female
The skull taken from this great poet’s tomb actually belongs to a female
The mistaken relics of Saint Bridget and Saint Catherine of Sweden
© DNA in the News