Did you know DNA determines your risk of lactose intolerance?

Growing up, milk and butter were staples. In college, you feasted on Kraft dinner and extra cheesy pizza. But now, eating plain old yogurt leaves you bloated and uncomfortable. Is it possible you have developed lactose intolerance? What is lactose...

Did you know DNA influences your athletic ability?

Ready, Set, GENES – Playing sports based on your genes

Did you know DNA can affect your nutritional status?

Vitamins, minerals and genes - Personalizing your supplements

Did you know there is a “sprinter” gene?

ACTN3, the genetic secret behind the Jamaican sprint team

Did you know DNA influences what and how much you eat, and how likely you are to lose weight?

How you can tailor your diet for optimal weight loss based on your genes

Did you know DNA can affect your blood pressure and endurance?

The many faces of ACE: Blood pressure, altitude and endurance

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