Did you know DNA affects your metabolic circadian rhythm?
Your body clock, metabolism and genetics
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Did you know DNA influences your athletic ability, your muscle composition and your injury risk?
Your body clock, metabolism and genetics
Fats to fit your genes – saturated fats and APOA2
Catering to NMB – genetic clues to conquering overindulgence
Starch digestion and genetics: what does eating pasta have to do with you genes?
Genetics of fat sensitivity: FABP2, saturated fats, obesity and the risk of a heart attack
Genes, physical activity and weight loss
Adiponectin, metabolism and obesity
The ins and outs of snacking: how a single gene can make us eat all-day long
Your body clock, metabolism and genetics
Fats to fit your genes – saturated fats and APOA2
Catering to NMB – genetic clues to conquering overindulgence
Starch digestion and genetics: what does eating pasta have to do with you genes?
Genetics of fat sensitivity: FABP2, saturated fats, obesity and the risk of a heart attack
Genes, physical activity and weight loss
Adiponectin, metabolism and obesity
The ins and outs of snacking: how a single gene can make us eat all-day long
© DNA in the News